Launching SwagCycle – Working to Solve the Unusable Branded Merchandise Problem

We usually get confused about what to do with unused clothes. People throw them into trash that make no sense but increases landfill. To make this problem go away, SwagCycle which is a recycling community help companies repurpose, upcycle and donate old clothes in an ethical way. Here is what Ben Grossman (Founder of SwagCycle) has to say-

I love the marked product industry, and am pleased that our privately-owned company has gotten one of the country's driving firms right now.

Nonetheless, one thing that has disturbed me for a considerable length of time is that when organizations rebrand or get obtained, a great deal of swag tragically can discover its way to a landfill. I've been working with my group to tackle this issue. A month ago, we propelled SwagCycle, an assistance concentrated on dependably dealing with the lifecycle of marked product.

A significant term to consider is landfill disparity. We need to guarantee that things don't escape, however rather get repurposed or reused dependably.

We've built up a basic and proficient 3-advance procedure to address this issue with organizations: 

(1) Assess the stock of undesirable things;

(2) Confirm brand rules to decide whether overabundance things can live on with magnanimous accomplices or ought to be reused; and

(3) Match things with suitable causes as well as reusing accomplices.

We've been working for a long while to construct an exclusive system of magnanimous and reusing accomplices to help organizations repurpose and reuse their undesirable marked things in a capable, moral and moderate way.

The reaction from the magnanimous network has been astounding. These incorporate associations like Second Chances, which acknowledges gifts of dress, shoes, and assistants to help destitute and lower-pay individuals to better their lives and to help limit the measure of disposed of garments sent to neighborhood landfills.

We as of late helped a main instructive organization give off-brand yet top notch containers to the United Way and Boys and Girls Club of Boston. Here's more data on that task.

In the event that you'd prefer to find out additional, I composed a white paper about Solving the Unusable Swag Problem.

I anticipate your feedback!


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