Top 5 Hedges for Privacy and Screening
With the added benefit of colorful foliage, hedges are well suited to create privacy & boundaries. There is no doubt that bay area is filling up with residential crowds. With fast growing technology and established companies, it’s becoming a little more crowded around peaceful environment. As a result many residential property owners have been wanting to create garden space that provide a break from growing congestion. Using hedges to design garden that provide privacy and screening is something to consider. Incorporating hedge with formal shape, color is a successful landscaping as well. You can use both evergreen and deciduous hedge variety to modify your garden into new look. Below are some favorite hedge selections that creates optimum privacy and screening- a. European Beech - Scientifically known as Fagus Sylvatica ; European Beech is an extremely popular deciduous hedge popular in Europe and European garden style. The hedge has a lovely bark which is smooth and silver...